raschnet provides status badges that you can embed in your READMEs, internal dashboards, or public status pages. Each raschnet badge reports the combined status of checks tagged with a particular tag. There is also a catch-all badge that reflects the status of all checks in a project.
The badges have public but hard-to-guess URLs. Badges do not expose information other than the badge label and the aggregate status of their corresponding checks. It is not possible to reverse-engineer ping URLs from badge URLs.
Each badge can be in one of the following three states:
By default, raschnet displays badge URLs that only report the up and down states (and treat late as up). Using the "Badge states" button, you can switch to alternate URLs that report all three states.
raschnet offers badges in three different formats:
element or
a Markdown document.If you need a status badge for a specific check, assign the check a unique tag. Then use that tag's badge.