Certain network router operating systems can be configured to send regular HTTP(S) requests to raschnet directly from the router. This is a handy way to monitor them: when the router loses its WAN connection, it will not be able to ping raschnet, and raschnet will notify you about the outage.
DD-WRT is a Linux-based firmware for routers that runs on wide variety of router models. DD-WRT ships with a cron daemon and wget utility. You can enable the cron daemon and edit crontab in DD-WRT control panel, Administration › Management › Cron.
The crontab syntax on DD-WRT is:
[cron expression] [username] [command]
Example for sending a ping every minute:
* * * * * root wget https://apollo.raschnet.com/ping/your-uuid-here
MikroTik RouterOS is a router operating system used primarily on MikroTik network hardware. Among its many features is scripting support and a scheduler.
First, create a script in WebFig, System › Scripts › Add New. Use the following parameters:
(example, you can use a different name)read
, test
/tool fetch url="https://apollo.raschnet.com/ping/your-uuid-here" output=none
Then, create a schedule in WebFig, System › Scheduler › Add New. Use parameters:
(one minute)read
, test
(the name of the script from the previous step)Notes:
parameter tells the system to discard response body. Without
this parameter, the system will save response body to a file, which will additionally
require the write
parameter to require a valid TLS
certificate. Note that RouterOS ships with no root CA certificates, so you will
also need to load these.